The “Eloi d’Or” Competition
2 days of events punctuated by different award ceremonies to reward innovative projects linked to ESP
The fourth edition of the “Les Eloi d’or” competition is launched since the winners of this competition are rewarded as part of the FCTM-ESOPE. The theme determined for this 2024 edition is “ENVIRONMENT AND OCEANS”.
Let us remember that this competition was a desire of the profession to want to involve young people in a professional event. The organization of the FCTM-ESOPE was fully consistent with the project. The competition takes place over the 2024 – 2025 school year; it is part of the transformation of the professional path and in particular in the creation of the “masterpiece”.
The design remains completely free but certain constraints are nevertheless imposed.
The targeted classes are those preparing for the Bac. Pro. Industrial Boilermaking Technician.
The competition is an opportunity to put in a professional situation around a multidisciplinary project.
The educational virtues of the exercise are numerous: compliance with specifications, teamwork, openness to other lessons, etc.
The competition also aims to highlight rigor, know-how and creativity.
Each school wishing to participate in the “Les Eloi d’Or” competition must be associated with a “sponsor” company.
The latter will aim to:
• To support the projects of the different teams specific to the educational establishment followed;
• To come at least once during the duration of the project to the school to help the teams in the design of their work;
• To welcome the teams into their workshop at least once to create a part in the workshop;
• To present your company, its activity and its know-how to the different teams.
The awards ceremony will promote young people and their educational establishments among manufacturers and will also allow them to participate in a professional event of international scope.
The competition is divided into 3 stages :
• Engineering and construction work : it must take place in the establishments between 09/01/2024 and 01/31/2025.
This work will have to be broken down into 2 parts:
- The first part consists of writing a presentation file and producing a video. The file must illustrate the production, the production means used, the team. The latter must also describe the artistic side of the project, the materials used, the techniques used... The video
of a maximum duration of 3 minutes must describe the progress of the project: the initial idea, the name of the team, the name of the work, the link with the imposed theme, the link with the sponsor company of the team as well as its collaboration with it throughout the realization of the project, the techniques
associated with the project, the materials used, the level of training of the young people who participated in the project.
This file must be sent before 01/31/2025 – to the competition organizing secretariat.
- The second part concerns the design, creation, production of a work, its packaging and its delivery within the allotted time frame.
The exhibition in Paris and the vote: the members of the jury (industrialists, national education inspectors, representatives of France Chaudronnerie) will assign a score for each work and choose the winning achievement(s), following criteria relating to the implementation techniques. work, the materials used, the aesthetics, the originality, the interdisciplinarity, etc.
The evaluation by the members of the jury will relate directly to the work. During the exhibition, the young people will present to the members of the jury their methodology and the extent of the work they have provided.
This presentation will contribute to the rating which will allow the awarding of prizes.
Main dates to remember:
• Registration deadline for establishments: June 30, 2024 at the competition organizing secretariat;
• Start of the project in establishments: September 2024;
• Communication from the contact of the sponsor company: November 2024;
• End of work: January 31, 2025;
• Submission of files & presentation videos: January 31, 2025;
• Delivery of works: March 24, 2025 (to be specified later);
• Presentation of works by candidates: March 26, 2025;
• Jury deliberation: March 26, 2025;
• Prize giving: March 26, 2025.
The highlight, after deliberation by the jury, the Prizes of the 2025 “Eloi d'Or” competition will be awarded to the winners whose works have obtained the best results.
May the best win !
Contact to participate:
France Chaudronnerie
Secrétariat organisateur du concours Eloi d’Or
39 rue Louis Blanc
92 400 Courbevoie
Tel : 01 47 17 62 66