All trades are subject to change, and boilermaking, piping, welding and maintenance are no exception. Innovation is therefore a major challenge: we must constantly adapt to these changes, and consequently position ourselves in anticipation, and even artificial intelligence...


JUNAP: JUmeau Numérique applied to Pressure Equipment
Multi-partner project in response to an AAP Industry of the Future from the Hauts de France region.
The aim of this project is to develop a methodology and tools for remote, real-time monitoring
Pressure Equipment (PSE). This innovative approach is based on the coupling of new technologies: Digital Twin, Connected Objects (IoT), Predictive Maintenance and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Its application aims to:

- Significantly improve reliability in assessing the safety of pressure equipment in service, compared with conventional safety inspections.
- Enhance equipment performance by optimizing operation and availability, and increasing the accuracy of mechanical strength assessment.
- Provide structural integrity and equipment performance data to demonstrate compliance with current codes and standards, as well as to support the eventual extension of an instrumented device's service life, without drastically increasing inspection or maintenance requirements.

The approach and tools developed are implemented through a representative digital twin demonstrator of a polymerization reactor.

Immersive Virtual Reality in Nuclear training

The training allows service providers working in CNPE (Nuclear Electricity Production Center) to acquire the skills to carry out their interventions in a nuclear environment. It is part of the skills framework for service companies operating in CNPE (ref: D4008.10.11.16-0392 - ind.2).
SNCT Publications offers innovative training combining classroom theory, practice on a model and additional training thanks to our scenarios developed in immersive virtual reality.
Functionalities and actions to be carried out by the learner in a compliant course, in virtual reality allow the:
  • Consultation and reading of digital file with documentation of the intervention
  • Recovery of the equipment necessary for the intervention
  • Procedure room selection
  • Site installation
  • Disassembly of bolted assembly in the correct order
  • Seal replacement
  • Bolted assembly assembly in the correct order
  • Tightening
  • Control/measurement
Come discover and above all test “live” your skills in bolted assemblies


Venez découvrir et explorer en direct la technologie de fabrication additive, une méthode de production innovante accessible particulièrement adaptée à la métallurgie pour quatre applications majeures :
1. Prototypage : La fabrication additive permet de créer rapidement des prototypes fonctionnels, facilitant ainsi le développement et la validation de nouvelles conceptions 
2. Gabarit / Posage : Grâce à sa précision et à sa flexibilité, la fabrication additive est idéale pour produire des gabarits et des dispositifs de posage sur mesure, soit pour valider les conceptions avant la production, soit en tant que pièce définitive
3. Outillage : Elle permet de fabriquer des outils complexes et personnalisés, adaptés aux besoins spécifiques de chaque projet, réduisant ainsi les délais et les coûts de production
4. Pièces Finales : La fabrication additive est également utilisée pour produire des pièces finales en métal (acier, acier inoxydable, aluminium, titane et autres alliages), offrant une grande liberté de conception et une personnalisation accrue permettant de fabriquer des formes irréalisables jusque là
Venez découvrir comment la fabrication additive peut vous aider tout au long de la chaine de valeur de la métallurgie !